Journal Articles
[J83] Renzhi Wu, Xiaoshan Fang, Shuang Liu, Ariane Middel. (2023). A fast and accurate mean radiant temperature model for courtyards: Evidence from the Keyuan Garden in central Guangdong, China, Building and Environment, 229:10916 [IF 7.093]
[J82] Ali Alyakoob, Sherly Hartono, Trevor Johnson, Ariane Middel. (2023). Estimating cooling loads of Arizona State University buildings using microclimate data and machine learning, Journal of Building Engineering, 64:105705 [IF 7.144, acceptance rate 26%]]
[J81] Rui Li, Mikhail Chester, David M. Hondula, Ariane Middel, Jennifer K. Vanos, Lance Watkins. (2023). Repurposing mesoscale traffic models for insights into traveler heat exposure, Transportation Research Part D, 114:103548 [IF 7.041]
[J79] Gisel Guzman Echavarria, Ariane Middel, Jennifer Vanos. (2023). Beyond heat exposure - new methods to quantify and link personal heat exposure, stress, and strain in diverse populations and climates: The journal Temperature toolbox, Temperature, [IF 4.690]
[J80]* Ariane Middel, Matthew Huff, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Ananth Udupa, Florian A. Schneider. (2023). PanoMRT: Panoramic infrared thermography to model human thermal exposure and comfort, Science of the Total Environment, 859:160301, [IF 10.753, acceptance rate 23%]
[J78] Jacob A. Lachapelle, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Ariane Middel, Paul Coseo, Jon Warland. (2023).
Maximizing the pedestrian radiative cooling benefit per street tree, Landscape and Urban Planning,
230:104608, [IF 8.119]
[77] Jacob A. Lachapelle, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Ariane Middel, Paul Coseo, Jon Warland. (2023). Maximizing the pedestrian radiative cooling benefit per street tree, Landscape and Urban Planning, 230:104608, [IF 8.119]
[76] Jan Geletič, Michael Lehnert, Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krč, Ariane Middel, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Eduardo Krüger. (2022). High-fidelity simulation of the effects of street trees, green roofs and walls on the distribution of thermal exposure in Prague-Dejvice, Building and Environment, 109484 [IF 7.093, acceptance rate 21%]
[75] Negin Nazarian, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Riccardo Paolini, Benjamin Bechtel, Toby Cheung, Winston Chow, Richard de Dear, David Hondula, Ollie Jay, Jason Lee, Alberto Martilli, Ariane Middel, Leslie Norford, Mahsan Sadeghi, Mat Santamouris, Stefano Schiavon, Jennifer Vanos. (2022). Integrated assessment of urban overheating impacts on human life, Earth’s Future, 10, e2022EF002682. [IF 7.500, acceptance rate 40%]
[74] Esra Suel, Meytar Sorek-Hamer, Izabela Moise, Michael von Pohle, Adwait Sahasrabhojanee, Ata Akbari Asanjan, Raphael Arku, Abosede S. Alli, Benjamin Barratt, Sierra N Clark, Ariane Middel, Emily Deardorff, Violet Lingenfelter, Nikunj C. Oza, Nishant Yadav, Majid Ezzati, Michael Brauer. (2022). What you see is what you breathe? Predicting air pollution spatial variation with street level imagery, Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3429. [IF 5.349]
[73] V. Kelly Turner, Emma M. French, John Dialessandro, Ariane Middel, David Hondula, George Ban Weiss, Hana Abdellati. (2022). How are cities planning for heat? Content analysis of United States municipal plans, Environmental Research Letters, 17(6):064054 [IF 6.947, acceptance rate 47%]
[72] Rubab Saher, Ariane Middel, Haroon Stephen, Sajjad Ahmad. (2022). Microclimate effects and irrigation water requirement of mesic, oasis, and xeric landscapes, Hydrology, 9(6):104. [IF 2.173]
[71] Coleman Merchant, Forrest Meggers, Miaomiao Hou, Dorit Aviv, Florian A. Schneider, Ariane Middel. (2022). Resolving radiant: Combining spatially resolved longwave and shortwave measurements to improve the understanding of radiant heat flux reflections and heterogeneity, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4:869743. [IF N/A]
[70] Karthik Kashinath Kulkarni, Florian A. Schneider, Tejaswi Gowda, Suren Jayasuriya, Ariane Middel. (2022). MaRTiny – A low cost thermal sensing device, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:866240. [IF 4.581]
[69] Yuliya Dzyuban, David M. Hondula, Jennifer K. Vanos, Ariane Middel, Paul J. Coseo, Evan R. Kuras, Charles L. Redman. (2022). Evidence of alliesthesia during a neighborhood thermal walk in a hot and dry city, Science of the Total Environment, 834: 155294. [IF 10.753, acceptance rate 23%]
[68] Ariane Middel, Negin Nazarian, Matthias Demuzere, Benjamin Bechtel. (2022). Urban Climate Informatics – an emerging research field, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:867434. [IF 4.581]
[67] Marc A. Adams, Christine B. Phillips, Akshar Patel, Ariane Middel. (2022). Training computers to see the built environment related to physical activity: Detection of micro-scale walkability features using computer vision, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19:4548. [IF 4.614]
[66] Jing Huang, Fanhua Kong, Haiwei Yin, Ariane Middel, Hongqing Liu, Xiandi Zheng, Zhihao Wen, Ding Wang. (2022). Transpirational cooling and physiological response of trees to heat, Agricultural and Urban Forest Meteorology, 320:108940. [IF 6.424]
[65] Fanhua Kong, Jianyu Chen, Ariane Middel, Haiwei Yin, Manchun Li, Ting Sun, Ning Zhang, Jing Huang, Hongqing Liu, Jinsong Ma. (2022). Impact of 3-D urban landscape patterns on the outdoor thermal environment: A modelling study with UMEP, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 94:101773. [IF 6.454, acceptance rate 12%]
[64] Jacob A. Lachapelle, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Ariane Middel, Samuel Meltzer, Ashley M. Broadbent, Matei Georgescu. (2022). A microscale three-dimensional model of urban outdoor thermal exposure (TUF-Pedestrian), International Journal of Biometeorology, 169. [IF 3.787]
[63] Dragan Milošević, Ariane Middel, Stevan Savić, Kevin Lau, Jelena Dunjić, Rastislav Stojsavljević. (2022). Meteorological conditions and mask wearing behavior in urban spaces of Novi Sad in hot weather during the COVID-19 pandemic, Science of the Total Environment, 815:152782. [IF 10.753, acceptance rate 23%]
[62] V. Kelly Turner, Morgan L. Rogers, Yujia Zhang, Ariane Middel, Florian A. Schneider, Jonathan P. Ocón, Megs Seeley, John J. Dialesandro. (2022). More than surface temperature: Mitigating thermal exposure in hyper-local land systems, Journal of Land Use Science, 17(1):79–99. [IF 2.897, acceptance rate 12%]
[61] Konrad Rykaczewski, Jennifer K. Vanos, Ariane Middel. (2022). Anisotropic radiation source models for computational thermal manikin simulations based on common radiation field measurements, Building and Environment, 208: 108636.
[IF 7.093, acceptance rate 21%]
[60] Hongqing Liu, Haiwei Yin, Fanhua Kong, Ariane Middel, Xiandi Zheng, Tao Sun, Ding Wang, Itamar M. Lensky. (2022). Changing of nutrients, microorganisms, and physical properties of exposed extensive green roof substrate, Science of the Total Environment, 805:150344. [IF 10.753, acceptance rate 23%]
[59] Yue Chang, Jingfeng Xiao, Xuxiang Li, Ariane Middel, Yunwei Zhang, Zhaolin Gu, Yiping Wu, Shan He. (2021). Exploring diurnal cycling of urban thermal environment and variations among local climate zones with land surface temperature data derived from ECOSTRESS. Remote Sensing of Environment, 263:112544. [IF 13.850]
[58] Ariane Middel, Saud AlKhaled, Florian A. Schneider, Björn Hagen, Paul Coseo. (2021). 50 Grades of Shade. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), 102(9):E1805–E1820. [IF 9.116]
[57] Shreya Banerjee, Ariane Middel, Subrata Chattopadhyay. (2022). A regression-based three-phase approach to assess outdoor thermal comfort in informal micro-entrepreneurial settings in tropical Mumbai, International Journal of Biometeorology, 66:313–329. [IF 3.787]
[56] Jennifer K. Vanos, Konrad Rykaczewski, Ariane Middel, Daniel J. Vecellio, Robert D. Brown, Terry J. Gillespie. (2021). Improved methods for estimating mean radiant temperature in hot and sunny outdoor settings. International Journal of Biometeorology, 65:967–983
[IF 3.787]
[55] Xiandi Zheng, Fanhua Kong, Haiwei Yin, Ariane Middel, Hongqing Liu, Ding Wang, Tao Sun, Itamar Lensky. (2021). Outdoor thermal performance of green roofs across multiple time scales: A case study in subtropical China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 102909
[IF 10.696, acceptance rate 15%]
[54] Hongqing Liu, Fanhua Kong, Haiwei Yin, Ariane Middel, Xiandi Zheng, Jing Huang, Hairong Xu, Ding Wang, Zhihao Wen. (2021). Impacts of green roofs on water, temperature, and air quality: A bibliometric review, Building and Environment, 196:107794
[IF: 7.093, acceptance rate 21%]
[53] Scott E. Krayenhoff, Ashley M. Broadbent, Lei Zhao, Matei Georgescu, Ariane Middel, James A. Voogt, Alberto Martilli, David Sailor, Evyatar Erell. (2021). Cooling hot cities: A systematic and critical review of the numerical modelling literature, Environmental Research Letters, 16(5): 053007 [IF 6.793]
[52] Mehdi P. Heris, Kenneth J. Bagstad, Charles Rhodes, Austin Troy, Ariane Middel, John Matuszak. (2021). Piloting urban ecosystem accounting for the United States, Ecosystem Services, 48:101226 [IF: 5.454]
[51] Dorit Aviv, Hongshan Guo, Ariane Middel, Forrest Meggers. (2021). Evaluating radiant heat in an outdoor urban environment: Resolving spatial and temporal variations with two sensing platforms and data-driven simulation, Urban Climate, 35: 100745 [IF 6.663, acceptance rate 30%]
[50] Jennifer K. Vanos, Mary Wright, Ariane Middel, Alaina Kaiser, Harrison Ambrose, David M. Hondula. (2022). Evaporative misters for urban cooling and comfort: effectiveness and motivations for use, International Journal of Biometeorology. [IF: 3.787]
[49] Peter Crank, Ariane Middel, Melissa Wagner, Dani Hoots, Martin Smith, Anthony J. Brazel. (2020). Validation of Seasonal Mean Radiant Temperature Simulations in Hot Arid Urban Climate, Science of the Total Environment, 141392. [IF: 6.551]
[48] Mehdi P. Heris, Ariane Middel, Brian H. Muller. (2020). Impacts of Form and Design Policies on Urban Microclimate: Assessment of Zoning and Design Guideline Choices in Urban Redevelopment projects, Landscape and Urban Planning, 202:103870.
[IF: 5.441]
[47] Zoe Hamstead, Paul Coseo, Saud AlKhaled, Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah, David Hondula, Ariane Middel, Nicholas Rajkovich. (2020). Thermally Resilient Communities: Creating a Socio-Technical Collaborative Response to Extreme Temperatures, Buildings and Cities, 1(1):218–232.
[IF 2019: N/A]
[46] Ariane Middel, V. Kelly Turner, Florian A. Schneider, Yujia Zhang, Matthew Stiller. (2020). Solar Reflective Pavement – A Policy Panacea to Heat Mitigation? Environmental Research Letters, 15:064016. [IF 2019: 6.096]
[45] Shreya Banerjee, Ariane Middel, Subrata Chattopadhyay. (2020). Outdoor thermal comfort in various microentrepreneurial settings in hot humid tropical Kolkata: Human biometeorological assessment of objective and subjective parameters, Science of the Total Environment, 721:137741. [IF 2019: 6.551]
[44] David M. Iwaniec, Matei Georgescu, Melissa Davidson, Elisabeth M. Cook, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Nancy B. Grimm, Monica Berbés-Blázquez, Xiaoxiao Li, Ariane Middel, David Sampson. (2020). The Co-production of Sustainable Future Scenarios, Landscape and Urban Planning, 197:103744 [IF 2018: 5.144]
[43] Roxana Bujack, Ariane Middel. (2020). State of the Art in Flow Visualization in the Environmental Sciences, Environmental Earth Sciences, 79(2):65. [IF 2018: 1.871]
[42] Kerry Nice, Jasper S. Wijnands, Ariane Middel, Jingcheng Wang, Yiming Qiu, Nan Zhao, Jason Thompson, Gideon D.P.A. Aschwanden, Haifeng Zhao, Mark Stevenson. (2020). Sky Pixel Detection in Outdoor Imagery Using an Adaptive Algorithm and Machine Learning. Urban Climate, 31:100572. [IF 2018: N/A]
[41] Kaylee Colter, Ariane Middel, Chris A. Martin. (2019). Effects of natural and artificial shade on human thermal comfort in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 44:126429. [IF 2018: 3.043]
[40] Haiwei Yin, Fanhua Kong, Iryna Dronova, Ariane Middel, Philip James. (2019). Investigation of extensive green roof outdoor spatio-temporal thermal performance during summer in a subtropical monsoon climate, Science of the Total Environment. [IF 2018: 5.589]
[39] Sushobhan Sen, Jeffery Roesler, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Ariane Middel. (2019). Cool Pavement Strategies for Heat Mitigation in Suburban Phoenix, Arizona, Sustainability, 11(16), 4452. [IF 2018: 2.592].
[38] Ariane Middel, E. Scott Krayenhoff. (2019). Micrometeorological determinants of pedestrian thermal exposure during record-breaking heat in Tempe, Arizona: Introducing the MaRTy observational platform, Science of the Total Environment, 687:137–151. [IF 2018: 5.589]
[37] Mehdi Aminipouri, David Rayner, Fredrik Lindberg, Sofia Thorsson, Anders Jensen Knudby, Kirsten Zickfeld, Ariane Middel, E. Scott Krayenhoff. (2019). Urban tree planting to maintain outdoor thermal comfort under climate change: The case of Vancouver's local climate zones. Building and Environment, 158, 226–236. [IF 2018: 4.820]
[36] Jason Ching, Dan Aliaga, Gerald Mills, Valery Masson, Linda See, Marina Neophytou, Ariane Middel, Alexander Baklanov, Chao Ren, Ed Ng, Jimmy Fung, Michael Wong, Yuan Huang, Alberto Martilli, Oscar Brousse, Iain Stewart, Xiaowei Zhang, Aly Shehata, Shiguang Miao, Xuemei Wang, Weiwen Wang, Yoshiki Yamagata, Denise Duarte, Yuguo Li, Johan Feddema, Benjamin Bechtel, Julia Hidalgo, Yelva Roustan, YoungSeob Kim, Helge Simon, Tim Kropp, Michael Bruse, Fredrik Lindberg, Sue Grimmond, Matthias Demuzere, Fei Chen, Chen Li, Jorge Gonzales-Cruz, Bob Bornstein, Qiaodong He, Tzu-Ping Lin, Adel Hanna, Evyatar Erell, Nigel Tapper, R.K. Mall, Dev Niyogi. (2019). Pathway using WUDAPT’s Digital Synthetic City tool towards generating urban canopy parameters for multi-scale urban atmospheric modeling, Urban Climate, 28. [IF 2018: N/A]
[35] Matthias Demuzere, Benjamin Bechtel, Ariane Middel, Gerald Mills. (2019). Mapping Europe into Local Climate Zones, PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214474. [IF 2018: 2.776]
[34] Yujia Zhang, Ariane Middel, Billie L. Turner II. (2019). Evaluating the Effects of Vertical Urban Forms on Neighborhood Land Surface Temperature Using Google Street View Images. Landscape Ecology, 34(3), 681–697. [IF 2018: 4.349]
[33] Mehdi Aminipouri, Anders Jensen Knudby, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Kirsten Zickfeld, Ariane Middel. (2019). Modelling the impact of increased street tree cover on mean radiant temperature across Vancouver’s local climate zones. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 39:9–17. [IF 2017: 3.043]
[32] David Hondula, John Sabo, Ray Quay, Mikhail Chester, Matei Georgescu, Nancy Grimm, Sharon Harlan, Ariane Middel, Bruce Rittmann, Benjamin Ruddell, Dave White. (2019). Cities of the Southwest are testbeds for urban resilience, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17(2):79–80. [IF 2018: 10.935]
[31] Ariane Middel, Jonas Lukasczyk, Sophie Zakrzewski, Michael Arnold, Ross Maciejewski. (2019). Urban Form and Composition of Street Canyons: A Human-Centric Big Data and Deep Learning Approach, Landscape and Urban Planning, 183:122–132. [IF 2018: 5.144]
[30] Jennifer K. Vanos, Eichi Kosaka, Akiko Iida, Makoto Yokohari, Ariane Middel, Ian Scott-Flemming, Robert D. Brown. (2019). Planning for Spectator Thermal Comfort and Health in the Face of Extreme Heat: The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Marathons, Science of the Total Environment, [IF 2018: 5.589]
[29] Benjamin Bechtel, Paul J Alexander, Christoph Beck, Jürgen Böhner, Oscar Brousse, Jason Ching, Matthias Demuzere, Cidália Fonte, Tamás Gál, Julia Hidalgo, Peter Hoffmann, Ariane Middel, Gerald Mills, Chao Ren, Linda See, Panagiotis Sismanidis, Marie-Leen Verdonck, Guang Xu, Yong Xu. (2019). Generating WUDAPT Level 0 data – current status of production and evaluation. Urban Climate, 27:24-45. [IF 2018: N/A]
[28] Christopher Hoehne, David Hondula, Mikhail Chester, David Eisenman, Ariane Middel, Andrew Fraser, Lance Watkins, Katrina Gerster. (2018). Heat exposure during outdoor activities in the US varies significantly by city, demography, and activity, Health and Place, 54:1–10. [IF 2018: 3.202]
[27] Ariane Middel, Jonas Lukasczyk, Ross Maciejewski, Matthias Demuzere, Matthias Roth. (2018). Sky View Factor Footprints for Urban Climate Modeling, Urban Climate, 25:120–134. [IF 2017: N/A]
[26] Eichi Kosaka, Akiko Iida, Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, Makoto Yokohari, Robert Brown. (2018). Microclimate Variation and Estimated Heat Stress of Runners in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Marathon, Atmosphere, 9: 192. [IF 2017: 1.704]
[25] Jennifer Vanos, Ariane Middel, Michelle Poletti, Nancy Selover. (2018). Evaluating the impact of solar radiation on pediatric heat balance within enclosed, hot vehicles. Temperature, 1–17. [IF 2017: N/A]
[24] Chuyuan Wang, Ariane Middel, Soe W. Myint, Anthony J. Brazel, Shai Kaplan, Jonas Lukasczyk. (2018). Assessing local climate zones in arid cities: The case of Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 141: 59–71. [IF 2017: 6.942]
[23] David M. Hondula, Robert C. Balling Jr., Riley Andrade, E. Scott Krayenhoff, Ariane Middel, Aleš Urban, Matei Georgescu, David J. Sailor. (2017). Biometeorology in Cities, International Journal of Biometeorology. 61(Supp 1):59–69. [IF 2016: 2.204]
[22] Evan R. Kuras, Molly C. Bernhard, Miriam M. Calkins, Kristie L. Ebi, Jeremy J. Hess, Kristina W. Kintziger, Meredith A. Jagger, Ariane Middel, Anna A. Scott, June T. Spector, Christopher K. Uejio, Jennifer K. Vanos, Benjamin F. Zaitchik, Julia M. Gohlke, David M. Hondula. (2017). Opportunities and Challenges for Personal Heat Exposure Research, Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(8):085001. [IF 2016: 9.780]
[21] Chao Fan, Soe Myint, Shai Kaplan, Ariane Middel, Baojuan Zheng, Atiqur Raham, Huei-Ping Huang, Anthony Brazel, Dan Blumberg, (2017). Understanding the Impact of Urbanization on Surface Urban Heat Islands – A Longitudinal Analysis of the Oasis Effect in Subtropical Desert Cities, Remote Sensing, 9(7), 672. [IF 2016: 3.244]
[20] Benjamin Bechtel, Matthias Demuzere, Panagiotis Sismanidis, Daniel Fenner, Oscar Brousse, Christoph Beck, Frieke Van Coillie, Olaf Conrad, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Ariane Middel, Gerald Mills, Dev Niyogi, Marco Otto, Linda See, Marie-Leen Verdonck, (2017). Quality of crowdsourced data on urban morphology – the human influence experiment (HUMINEX), Urban Science, 1(2):15. [IF 2016: N/A]
[19] Ariane Middel, Jonas Lukasczyk, Ross Maciejewski. (2017). Sky View Factors from Synthetic Fisheye Photos for Thermal Comfort Routing – A Case Study in Phoenix, Arizona, Urban Planning, 2(1):19–30. [IF 2016: N/A]
[18] Haiwei Yin, Fanhua Kong, Ariane Middel, Iryna Dronova, Hailong Xu, Philip James. (2017). Cooling effect of direct green façades during hot summer days: An observational study in Nanjing, China using TIR and 3DPC data, Building and Environment, 116:195–206. [IF 2016: 4.053]
[17] Ariane Middel, Nancy Selover, Björn Hagen, Nalini Chhetri. (2016). Impact of Shade on Outdoor Thermal Comfort - A Seasonal Field Study in Tempe, Arizona, International Journal of Biometeorology, 60(12):1849–1861. [IF 2016: 2.204]
[16] Katherine Crewe, Anthony J. Brazel, Ariane Middel. (2016). Desert New Urbanism: Testing for Comfort in Downtown Tempe Arizona, Journal of Urban Design, 21(6):746–763. [IF 2015: 0.605]
[15] Björn Hagen, Ariane Middel, David Pijawka. (2016). Global Climate Change Risk and Mitigation Perceptions: A comparison of nine countries, Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(5):214–228. [IF 2016: N/A]
[14] Fanhua Kong, Changfeng Sun; Fengfeng Liu; Haiwei Yin, Fei Jiang, Yingixa Pu, Gina Cavan, Cynthia Skelhorn, Ariane Middel, Iryna Dronova. (2016). Energy Saving Potential of Fragmented Green Spaces Due to their Temperature Regulating Ecosystem Services in the Summer, Applied Energy, 183:1428–1440. [IF 2016: 7.182]
[13] Björn Hagen, David Pijawka, Ariane Middel. (2016). European Climate Change Perceptions: Mitigation and Adaptation Policies to Improve Resiliency, Environmental Policy and Governance, 26:170–183. [IF 2016: 2.032]
[12] Xiaoxiao Li, Wenwen Li, Ariane Middel, Sharon Harlan, Anthony J. Brazel, Billie L. Turner II. (2016). Remote Sensing of the Surface Urban Heat Island and Land Architecture in Phoenix, Arizona: Combined Effects of Land Composition and Configuration and Cadastral-Demographic-Economic Factors, Remote Sensing of Environment, 174:233–243. [IF 2016: 6.265]
[11] Jennifer K. Vanos, Ariane Middel, Grant R. McKercher, Evan R. Kuras, Benjamin L. Ruddell. (2016). A Multiscale Surface Temperature Analysis of Urban Playgrounds in a Hot, Dry City. Landscape and Urban Planning, 146:29–42. [IF 2016: 4.563]
[10] Kathrin Häb, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Ariane Middel. (2015). Sensor Lag Correction for Mobile Urban Microclimate Measurements, Urban Climate, 14(4):622–635. [IF 2015: N/A]
[9] Soe W. Myint, Baojuan Zheng, Emily Talen, Chao Fan, Shai Kaplan, Ariane Middel, Martin Smith, Huei-Ping Huang, Anthony J. Brazel. (2015). Does the Spatial Arrangement of Urban Landscape Matter? Examples of Urban Warming and Cooling in Phoenix and Las Vegas, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 1(4), art15. [IF 2015: N/A]
[8] Kathrin Häb, Ariane Middel, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Hans Hagen. (2015). TraVis – A Visualization Framework for Mobile Transect Data Sets in an Urban Microclimate Context, Proceedings of the Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2015 IEEE, Hangzhou, China, April 14-17, 2015. [Acceptance Rate: 30.4%]
[7] Ariane Middel, Nalini Chhetri, Ray Quay. (2015). Urban Forestry and Cool Roofs: Assessment of Heat Mitigation Strategies in Phoenix Residential Neighborhoods, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 14(1):178–186. [IF 2014: 2.109]
[6] Kathrin Häb, Nils H. Feige, Lars S. Hüttenberger, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen. (2014). Visualizing the Temporal Development of Thermo-Radiative Features on Ground-Based Thermographs, Environmental Earth Sciences, 72(10):3781–3793. [IF 2016: 1.765]
[5] Ariane Middel, Kathrin Häb, Anthony J. Brazel, Chris Martin, Subhrajit Guhathakurta. (2014). Impact of Urban Form and Design on Mid-Afternoon Microclimate in Phoenix Local Climate Zones, Landscape and Urban Planning, 122:16–28. [IF 2016: 4.563]
[4] Ariane Middel, Anthony J. Brazel, Patricia Gober, Soe W. Myint, Heejun Chang, Jiunn-Der Duh. (2012) Land Cover, Climate, and the Summer Surface Energy Balance in Phoenix, AZ and Portland, OR, International Journal of Climatology, 32(13):2020–2032. [IF 2015: 3.609]
[3] Patricia Gober, Ariane Middel, Anthony J. Brazel, Soe W. Myint, Heejun Chang, Jiunn-Der Duh, Lily House-Peters. (2012). Tradeoffs Between Water Conservation and Temperature Amelioration in Phoenix and Portland: Implications for Urban Sustainability, Urban Geography, 33(7):1030–1054. [IF 2015: 1.322]
[2] Ariane Middel, Anthony J. Brazel, Shai Kaplan, Soe W. Myint. (2012). Daytime Cooling Efficiency and Diurnal Energy Balance in Phoenix, AZ, Climate Research, 54(1):21–34. [IF 2015: 2.496]
[1] Ariane Middel, Anthony J. Brazel, Björn Hagen, Soe W. Myint. (2011). Land Cover Modification Scenarios and their Effects on Daytime Heating in the Inner Core Residential Neighborhoods of Phoenix, AZ, USA, Journal of Urban Technology, 18(4):61–79. [IF 2015: 1.234]
Refereed Conference Proceedings
[14] Yuliya Dzyuban, David Hondula, Charles Redman, Ariane Middel, 2018, Analyzing transit-based heat exposure and behaviors to enhance urban climate adaptation and mitigation strategies in the southwest USA, IFoU 2018: Reframing Urban Resilience Implementation: Aligning Sustainability and Resilience, Barcelona, Spain, December 10-12, 2018.
[13] Roxana Bujack, Ariane Middel, Strategic Initiatives for Flow Visualization in Environmental Sciences, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Groningen, Netherlands, June 6-7, 2016.
[12] Kathrin Häb, Ariane Middel, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Hans Hagen, A Data-Driven Approach to Categorize Climatic Microenvironments, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Groningen, Netherlands, June 6-7, 2016.
[11] Kathrin Häb, Ariane Middel, Benjamin L. Ruddell, Hans Hagen, Spatial Aggregation of Mobile Transect Measurements for the Identification of Climatic Microenvironments, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Cagliari, Italy, May 25-26, 2015.
[10] Jonas Lukasczyk, Xing Liang, Wei Luo, Eric Ragan, Ariane Middel, Nadya Bliss, Dave White, Hans Hagen, Ross Maciejewski, A Collaborative Web-Based Environmental Data Visualization and Analysis Framework, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Cagliari, Italy, May 25-26, 2015.
[9] Jonas Lukasczyk, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen, WebGL-Based Geodata Visualization for Policy Support and Decision Making, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Swansea, Wales, UK, June 9-13, 2014.
[8] Kathrin Häb, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen, Using K-Means Clustering for a Spatial Analysis of Multivariate and Time-Varying Microclimate Data, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), Leipzig, Germany, June 17-18, 2013.
[7] Ariane Middel, Kathrin Häb, Anthony J. Brazel, Chris Martin, Subhrajit Guhathakurta, Urban Form, Landscape Design, and Microclimate in Phoenix, Arizona, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8), Dublin, Ireland, August 6-10, 2012.
[6] Sebastian Thelen, Jörg Meyer, Ariane Middel, Peter-Scott Olech, Achim Ebert, Hans Hagen, Tag-Based Interaction with Large High-Resolution Displays, Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI), St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USVI, November 22-24, 2009.
[5] Ariane Middel, Björn Hagen, Anthony J. Brazel, Soe Myint, Simulation of Possible Scenarios for Local Scale Energy Balances in Residential Neighborhoods in Phoenix, AZ, USA, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium (UPE 8) of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association, Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 23-26, 2009.
[4] Peter-Scott Olech, Ariane Middel, Max Langbein, Sebastian Thelen, Achim Ebert, Jörg Meyer, Hans Hagen, Enhancing the Planner’s Toolkit – New Display Technologies for Planning Support, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium (UPE 8) of the International Urban Planning and Environment Association, Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 23-26, 2009.
[3] Peter-Scott Olech, Sebastian Thelen, Ariane Middel, Achim Ebert, Jörg Meyer, Hans Hagen, Digital Representation of Environment Data Using Advanced Display Technologies, ISDE6 - The 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth, Beijing, China, 2009.
[2] Ariane Middel, Peter-Scott Olech, Björn Hagen, Re-Tooling Urban Planners - Google Earth as a Planning Support Tool, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM 2009), Hong Kong, 2009.
[1] Thomas H. Kolbe, Ariane Middel, Lutz Plümer, 3D-Kartographie für die Fußgängernavigation: Virtuelle Wegweiser in Panoramen, Tagungsband zur 40. Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft 'Automation in der Kartographie' AgA 2003 in Erfurt, Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, BKG, Heft 31, Frankfurt, 2004.
Books and Chapters
[10] Christoph Garth, Ariane Middel, Hans Hagen (eds.), Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets - Applications in Geospatial Planning, Modeling and Engineering (IRTG 1131 Workshop 2011), OASICS Vol. 27, June 10-11, 2011, ISBN 978-3-939897-46-0.
[9] Ariane Middel, Inga Scheler, Hans Hagen (eds.), Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets - Applications in Geospatial Planning, Modeling and Engineering (IRTG 1131 Workshop 2010), OASICS Vol. 19, March 19-21, 2010, ISBN 978-3-939897-29-3.
[8] Darren M. Ruddell, Anthony J. Brazel, Winston Chow, Ariane Middel, The Urban Heat Island, Björn Hagen, David Pijawka (ed.), Sustainability in the 21st Century, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2017.
[7] Björn Hagen, Ariane Middel, What Do Sustainable Cities Look Like?, Björn Hagen, David Pijawka (ed.), Sustainability in the 21st Century, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2017.
[6] Darren M. Ruddell, Anthony J. Brazel, Winston Chow, Ariane Middel, The Urban Heat Island, David Pijawka (ed.), Sustainability in the 21st Century, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2015.
[5] Björn Hagen, Ariane Middel, What Do Sustainable Cities Look Like?, David Pijawka (ed.), Sustainability in the 21st Century, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2015.
[4] Ariane Middel, Subhrajit Guhathakurta, Hans Hagen, Peter-Scott Olech, Florian Höpel, Visualizing Future 3-Dimensional Neighborhoods in Phoenix: An Application Incorporating Empirical Methods with Computational Graphics, M. Batty and H. Lin (eds.), Virtual Geographic Environments, Science Press, 2009, ISBN 978-7-03-023467-4.
[3] Ariane Middel, Estimating Residential Building Types from Demographic Information at a Neighborhood Scale, Gerhard Steinebach (ed.), Visualizing Sustainable Planning, p.187-202, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-88202-2.
[2] Ariane Middel, A Framework for Visualizing Multivariate Geodata, Hans Hagen, Martin Hering-Bertram, Christoph Garth (eds.) Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets, p. 13-21, Kaiserslautern, 2007, GI-Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Seminars Vol. S-7, ISBN 978-3-88579-441-7.
[1] Ariane Middel, Procedural 3D Modeling of Cityscapes, Hans Hagen, Andreas Kerren, Peter Dannenmann (eds.), Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets, pp. 133-142, Kaiserslautern, 2006, GI-Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Seminars Vol. S-4, ISBN 978-3-88579-438-7.